분류 전체보기에 해당하는 글 178건
- 티스토리 SyntaxHighlighter 쉽게 적용하기 자동 코드 변환 사이트2016.11.02
- jQuery fancyBox - 레이어팝업2016.11.01
- jQuery Tiptip - 툴팁 ( tooltip )2016.11.01
jQuery fancyBox - 레이어팝업
plugin Url & Download : http://fancybox.net/
샘플코드 다운로드 : 521.zip
http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/#license 2016.11.01 일 기준.
fancyBox licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license.
You are free to use fancyBox for your personal or non-profit website projects.
You can get the author's permission to use fancyBox for commercial websites by paying a fee.
개인 혹은 비영리사이트만 공짜...
이점 유의 (싱글 도메인 $19 / 멀티 도메인 $89)
- swf , iframe , image , youtube , Googlemap 등 팝업 플러그인.
Name | Description |
padding | Space inside fancyBox around content. Can be set as array - [top, right, bottom, left]. Integer, Array; Default value: 15 |
margin | Minimum space between viewport and fancyBox. Can be set as array - [top, right, bottom, left]. Right and bottom margins are ignored if content dimensions exceeds viewport Integer, Array; Default value: 20 |
width | Default width for 'iframe' and 'swf' content. Also for 'inline', 'ajax' and 'html' if 'autoSize' is set to 'false'. Can be numeric or 'auto'. Number, String; Default value: 800 |
height | Default height for 'iframe' and 'swf' content. Also for 'inline', 'ajax' and 'html' if 'autoSize' is set to 'false'. Can be numeric or 'auto' Number, String; Default value: 600 |
minWidth | Minimum width fancyBox should be allowed to resize to Number; Default value: 100 |
minHeight | Minimum height fancyBox should be allowed to resize to Number; Default value: 100 |
maxWidth | Maximum width fancyBox should be allowed to resize to Number; Default value: 9999 |
maxHeight | Maximum height fancyBox should be allowed to resize to Number; Default value: 9999 |
autoSize | If true, then sets both autoHeight and autoWidth to true Boolean; Default value: true |
autoHeight | If set to true, for 'inline', 'ajax' and 'html' type content width is auto determined. If no dimensions set this may give unexpected results Boolean; Default value: false |
autoWidth | If set to true, for 'inline', 'ajax' and 'html' type content height is auto determined. If no dimensions set this may give unexpected results Boolean; Default value: false |
autoResize | If set to true, the content will be resized after window resize event Boolean; Default value: !isTouch |
autoCenter | If set to true, the content will always be centered Boolean; Default value: !isTouch |
fitToView | If set to true, fancyBox is resized to fit inside viewport before opening Boolean; Default value: true |
aspectRatio | If set to true, resizing is constrained by the original aspect ratio (images always keep ratio) Boolean; Default value: false |
topRatio | Top space ratio for vertical centering. If set to 0.5, then vertical and bottom space will be equal. If 0 - fancyBox will be at the viewport top Number; Default value: 0.5 |
leftRatio | Left space ratio for horizontal centering. If set to 0.5, then left and right space will be equal. If 0 - fancyBox will be at the viewport left Number; Default value: 0.5 |
scrolling | Set the overflow CSS property to create or hide scrollbars. Can be set to 'auto', 'yes', 'no' or 'visible' String; Default value: 'auto' |
wrapCSS | Customizable CSS class for wrapping element (useful for custom styling) string; Default value: |
arrows | If set to true, navigation arrows will be displayed Boolean; Default value: true |
closeBtn | If set to true, close button will be displayed Boolean; Default value: true |
closeClick | If set to true, fancyBox will be closed when user clicks the content Boolean; Default value: false |
nextClick | If set to true, will navigate to next gallery item when user clicks the content Boolean; Default value: false |
mouseWheel | If set to true, you will be able to navigate gallery using the mouse wheel Boolean; Default value: true |
autoPlay | If set to true, slideshow will start after opening the first gallery item Boolean; Default value: false |
playSpeed | Slideshow speed in milliseconds Integer; Default value: 3000 |
preload | Number of gallery images to preload Integer; Default value: 3 |
modal | If set to true, will disable navigation and closing Boolean; Default value: false |
loop | If set to true, enables cyclic navigation. This means, if you click "next" after you reach the last element, first element will be displayed (and vice versa). Boolean; Default value: true |
ajax | Options for ajax request Object; Default value: |
iframe | Options for content type "iframe" Object; Default value: |
swf | Options for content type "swf" Object; Default value: |
keys | Define keyboard keys for gallery navigation, closing and slideshow Object; Default value: |
direction | Default navigation direction (for navigation arrows, too) Object; Default value: |
scrollOutside | If true, the script will try to avoid horizontal scrolling for iframes and html content Boolean; Default value: true |
index | Overrides group start index Integer; Default value: 0 |
type | Overrides type for content. Supported types are 'image', 'inline', 'ajax', 'iframe', 'swf' and 'html' String; Default value: null |
href | Overrides content source link String; Default value: null |
content | Overrides content to be displayed String; Default value: null |
title | Overrides title content, accepts any HTML String; Default value: null |
tpl | Object containing various templates Object; Default value: |
openEffect / closeEffect / nextEffect / prevEffect | Animation effect ('elastic', 'fade' or 'none') for each transition type String; Default value: 'fade', 'fade', 'elastic', 'elastic' |
openSpeed / closeSpeed / nextSpeed / prevSpeed | The time it takes (in ms, or "slow", "normal", "fast") to complete transition Integer; Default value: 250 |
openEasing / closeEasing / nextEasing / prevEasing | Easing method for each transition type. You have numerous choices if easing plugin is included String; Default value: 'swing' |
openOpacity / closeOpacity | If set to true, transparency is changed for elastic transitions Boolean; Default value: true |
openMethod / closeMethod / nextMethod / prevMethod | Method from $.fancybox.transitions() that handles transition (you can add custom effects there) String; Default value: 'zoomIn' / 'zoomOut' / 'changeIn' / 'changeOut' |
helpers | Object containing enabled helpers and options for each of them Object; Default value: |
live | If set to true, fancyBox uses "live" to assign click event. Set to "false", if you need to apply only to current collection, e.g., if using something like - Boolean; Default value: true |
parent | Parent element of the container. This is useful for ASP.NET where the top element is "form" - String; Default value: body |
Name | Description |
open |
$.fancybox([group], [options]) First parameter can be in various types, examples: $.fancybox([
{href : 'img1.jpg', title : 'Title'},
{href : 'img2.jpg', title : 'Title'}
]); - array containing objects $.fancybox( {href : 'image.jpg', title : 'Lorem lipsum'} ); - single object $.fancybox( ['image.jpg', 'image.jpg'] ); - array containing links as strings$.fancybox( 'image.jpg' ); - string as source link $.fancybox( [jQuery object] ); $.fancybox( '<h1>Lorem lipsum</h1>' ); |
cancel |
close |
$.fancybox.close( true ) ) than fancyBox is removed immediatly |
play |
next |
prev |
jumpto |
$.fancybox.jumpto( 0 ); will open the first, e.g. $.fancybox.jumpto( 1 ); will second, etc |
reposition |
update |
toggle |
showLoading |
hideLoading |
Name | Description |
onCancel | Called after user triggers canceling. Note: If false is returned by the callback, the canceling will be halted |
beforeLoad | Called before starting to load content. Note: If false is returned by the callback, the loading will be halted |
afterLoad | Called after content is loaded. Receives two arguments - upcoming and current object - http://jsfiddle.net/xW5gs/ Note: If false is returned by the callback, the content will not be shown. |
beforeShow | Called right before open animations has started |
afterShow | Called after open animations has ended |
beforeClose | Called right after closing has been triggered but not yet started Note: If false is returned by the callback, the closing will be halted. |
afterClose | Called after closing animation has ended |
onUpdate | Called after window resize, scroll or orientation change events are triggered |
onPlayStart | Called after slideshdow has started |
onPlayEnd | Called after slideshdow has stoped |
jQuery Tiptip - 툴팁 ( tooltip )
툴팁에 대한 플러그인 입니다.
툴팁이란 ?말풍선 또는 툴팁(tooltip)은 공통 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스 요소이다. 마우스 포인터라 불리는 커서와 함께 동작한다. 사용자가 커서에 항목을 클릭하지 않고 가리키면 조그마한 상자가 항목 위에 나타나서 보충 설명을 보여 준다.
API Url : http://code.drewwilson.com/entry/tiptip-jquery-plugin
샘플코드 다운로드 : 454.7z
옵션 값.
activation: string ("hover" by default) - jQuery method TipTip is activated with. Can be set to: "hover", "focus" or "click".
keepAlive: true of false (false by default) - When set to true the TipTip will only fadeout when you hover over the actual TipTip and then hover off of it.
maxWidth: string ("200px" by default) - CSSmax-width
property for the TipTip element. This is a string so you can apply a percentage rule or 'auto'.
edgeOffset: number (3 by default) - Distances the TipTip popup from the element with TipTip applied to it by the number of pixels specified.
defaultPosition: string ("bottom" by default) - Default orientation TipTip should show up as. You can set it to: "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".
delay: number (400 by default) - Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the TipTip popup after youmouseover
an element with TipTip applied to it.
fadeIn: number (200 by default) - Speed at which the TipTip popup will fade into view.
fadeOut: number (200 by default) - Speed at which the TipTip popup will fade out of view.
attribute: string ("title" by default) - HTML attribute that TipTip should pull it's content from.
content: string (false by default) - HTML or String to use as the content for TipTip. Will overwrite content from any HTML attribute.
enter: callback function - Custom function that is run each time youmouseover
an element with TipTip applied to it.
exit: callback function - Custom function that is run each time youmouseout
of an element with TipTip applied to it.
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Mangled date examples</title> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/test/454/jquery.tipTip.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/test/454/tiptip.css"/> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".someClass").tipTip(); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> .sample {padding-bottom:20px;} </style> </head> <body> <div class="sample"> <a href="#" class="someClass" title="요거이 Text">텍스트</a>에다가 타이틀로 넣으면 되구요. </div> <div class="sample"> <img src="/files/attach/images/106/893/b0183fae643bfa50ebef8ce046e5abe8.jpg" class="someClass" title="요거이 이미지" style="width:200px;height:150px;"/> </div> <div class="sample"> <input class="someClass" title="요거이 인풋" style="width:200px;"/> </div> </body> </html>